Define the Terms Used to Describe Brain Anatomy

The cerebrum cerebellum and brain stem. View W4_Anatomypdf from FAS UAPP2073 at Tunku Abdul Rahman University.

Brain Definition Parts Functions Facts Britannica

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. Human anatomy is the study of the structure of the human bodyAnatomical terms allow health care professionals to accurately communicate to others which part of the body may be affected by disorder or a disease. The cephalic end of the embryonic neural tube develops into the brain. The anatomy of the brain is complex due its intricate structure and function.

The brain and spinal cord are the two main structures of the central nervous system. The brain integrates sensory information and directs motor responses. The spinal cord is caudal to the brain.

In higher vertebrates it is also the centre of learning. There are three major divisions of the brain. Caudal means towards the tail Latin cauda but not towards the back of the cranial cavity which is posterior behind in ordinary motion.

Means towards the front the eyes are anterior to the brain - ventral. The middle layer the arachnoid mater is a thin membrane made of blood vessels and elastic tissue. Toward the tail or inferior end.

Means toward the back the pharynx is posterior to the oral. Anterior from Latin ante before describes. The human brain weighs approximately 14 kg 3 pounds and is made up of billions of cells called neurons.

After behind following toward the rear. Means the part is below another or towards the feet caudal. Malignant Meninges Brain Spinal Cord Cranial Nerves Pituitary gland Craniopharyngeal duct and Pineal gland Equivalent Terms Definitions Charts and Illustrations C700 C701 C709 C710-C719 C720-725 C728 C729 C751-C753 Excludes lymphoma and leukemia M9590-9989 and Kaposi sarcoma M9140 Chart.

It performs higher capacities like deciphering contact vision and hearing just as discourse thinking feelings learning and fine control of development. Means the part is above another or closer to head cranial. Specific directional terms are used when specifying the location of a structure or area of the brain.

The forebrain is rostral to the brainstem. The strong outermost layer is named the dura mater. You will be able to describe the bodys regions using the terms from the figure.

These terms describe how. Superior from Latin super above describes what is above something and inferior from Latin. Start studying Brain Anatomy Terms.

Near the upper surface toward the back. The sides of the brain temporal lobes are involved in short-term memory speech musical rhythm and some degree of smell recognition. Before we get into the following learning units which will provide more detailed discussion of topics on different human body systems it is necessary to learn some useful terms for describing body structure.

Near closer to the origin. The pia mater. Brain the mass of nerve tissue in the anterior end of an organism.

The occipital lobe is the back part of the brain that is involved with vision. Terms are defined in reference to a theoretical person who is standing in what is called anatomical position see figure below. Brain and CNS Terms and Definitions.

Main terms Superior and inferior. Toward the bottom toward the belly. For other uses see Anterior disambiguation.

A general term that includes thinking perceiving recognizing conceiving judging sensing reasoning and imagining. Anatomy Research Method Mrs. Letter chi c.

The liver is inferior to the diaphragm. The brain has three principle parts. This amazing organ acts as a control center by receiving interpreting and directing sensory information throughout the body.

People with this are unable to go outside carry a conversation or comprehend events that define their lives. Anatomical Directional Terms. In front of front.

Both feet pointing forwards. Tied to this part of the brain is aphasia the use of inappropriate words sentence structure-wise. The heart is superior to the diaphragm.

Natasha Amira FEB 2022 Learning Objectives 1. It is the most complex organ of the body with many layers and components that play their roles in almost every function performed by the body. It covers the entire brain.

Certain directional anatomical terms appear throughout this and any other anatomy textbook Figure 142. Cerebellum diminutive of L. Is the biggest piece of the brain and is made from both ways sides of the equator.

Start studying Definition of the major directional terms used in anatomy. The parietal lobe houses Wernickes area which helps the brain understand spoken language. Toward the forehead or nose.

For example to describe the human brain rostral still means towards the beak or snout Latin rostrum or at any rate the interior of the cranial cavity just behind the face. The field of study that investigates the biological processes in the brain that underlie attention memory and other facets of cognition. The brain is composed of the cerebrum cerebellum and brainstem.

Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. Away from farther from the origin. Directional Terms Used in Anatomy.

Note that the terms anterior posterior superior and inferior refer to the long axis of the body which is straight and doesnt change. The brain along with the spinal cord is the main organ of the central nervous system. Directional Terms Superior.

These terms are essential for describing the.

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